Thinking, Fast & Slow

3.5 out of 5 stars.
Daniel Kahneman
Penguin, UK, 2011, RRP: $22.95
I was meant to review this book some time ago but there was so much in it I put it aside for a second read.
It’s a relatively easy read but the implications of Kahneman’s research can be quite confronting. The book is intellectually stimulating, but there’s a lot of it.
The author can draw on more than four decades of research. One of the papers that led to him winning the Nobel Prize for Economics was first published in 1974. He’s done plenty since then.
Kahneman’s core thesis is now pretty much a part of many mainstream ideas of how the brain works. He sees us as driven by two separate but occasionally engaged entities which he calls, unpretentiously, System One (S1) and, yes, System Two (S2).