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In the Media


Simple steps to boost cash flow - audio interview

Bob Kearsley interviews Alan Hargreaves on Business Essentials

We are all familiar with the maxim that "cash flow is king" but that doesn't take us very far when we're engaged in a constant battle to keep sales and revenue up and costs down. What can we do in practical terms to go beyond simple acknowledgement of the importance of cash flow and actually improve it? And what benefit will achieving that improvement actually bring us? Alan has some very clear ideas on that, as well as many other aspects of running a modern business. He has distilled a lot of them into a new book called 60 Second Recharge: Work and Life made Simple. That straightforward approach underpins his advice on cash flow as he tells Bob Kearsley.

Click here to listen


Negotiating tips to use every day

Transcript of HR Daily Webcast

Achieving an acceptable outcome from any type of negotiation can be a struggle, but HR professionals should always remember "the other side is feeling the heat too", says management consultant Alan Hargreaves.

In a webcast for HRD Plus Gold subscribers, Hargreaves points out that "negotiations are fairly constant in our lives", whether at home or in the workplace.

The goal should be to get most of what you want, he says, and seven elements are essential to getting the outcome "as right as you can".


HR professionals should approach every negotiation as if there's "no hurry", Hargreaves says.

"Really make sure you allow time. Don't run in there expecting to run straight out... Time itself has value and is an asset.

"If you go into a negotiating situation and you are trying to get out the door, the other party knows, and knows you're not comfortable."

Giving the other party the impression that you're "in it for the long haul" makes them realise it's a "give and take situation", he says.

Click here to read the full article on HR Daily »


Why Brand Consistency Counts - audio interview

Bob Kearsley interviews Alan Hargreaves on brand consistency

Building a successful brand depends on consistency, says author and longtime business coach Alan Hargreaves. If your customers know what to expect from your product or service - and your people - they'll feel comfortable about coming back to you. Think of McDonalds - they know their market and their customers know what to expect, whichever outlet they go to. Alan recommends building up a manual that sets out every aspect of how you do business - it will help new and existing staff understand what's expected of them and why, and be an invaluable tool when you come to sell the business.

Click here to listen


Cash Flow Strategies For Bootstrapped Businesses - audio interview

Bob Kearsley interviews Alan Hargreaves on Cash Flow Strategies

2012 could prove to be as tough a year as the one just gone. It will be more important than ever to keep the cash flowing in, and the business lean and ready to take advantage of any opportunity that offers itself. Veteran business coach Alan Hargreaves recommends a "back to basics" approach. Recall how you did things when you were starting out and resources were scarce. Think of doing more with the assets you already have, and getting rid of anything you don't need.

Click here to listen


Webinar: How to escape your employer and start up in 2012

By Amelie Mills, posted on

On the face of it, 2012 will be an ideal year for aspiring Australian entrepreneurs to make the leap and start a business. Research shows that many employees crave a better work/life balance, as well as the freedom to implement their own ideas.

Throw in Australia’s stable economy, by global standards at least, and the falling cost of starting up, and this could be a bumper year for start-ups. But if you’re stewing over your business idea while working for someone else, how do you actually go about taking the plunge?

In this free StartupSmart webinar, author, investor and business guru Alan Hargreaves explains how you can plot your escape route in 2012.