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by Alan Hargreaves

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Entries in product development (2)


So what if there's a recession

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Coping with cyclical inevitability. 

Forecasts of recession are common this time of the year. Trawl through the financial press and you’ll see all sorts of gloomy predictions. Most will be wrong. Forecasters don’t have a great track record. Research shows barely 15% of them will get it right. 

Should we worry?

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Startups and the Art of Surfing

The right wave helps

Startups remind me of surfing. That was my preferred activity after getting my first board on my fourteenth birthday. It was a great individual sport. There were no coaches or surfing schools. You just paddled out and started working on it.

I had reasonable balance but soon learned that wasn’t all it took. When you watch a pro surfer make it look easy, it’s not just their athletic skill that’s on show. What happens before you even get on a wave matters a lot. 

Four things can make a big difference

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